I am currently trying to schedule staff for e-mail queries, faxes & sms queries for our admin area.
i would like to pick your brains on the best way to calculate workload and Turnaround times for each of the above to start scheduling for non inbound agents.
Do you have any guidelines for maintaining a SLA ? If not then how much is the work load and how many agents do you have for the different service lines?
No SLA agreements has yet. My problem is that there is no data base of workload at the moment all calculations are a thumb suck, we currently have 20 staff for all of the above sections
Maybe setting up a pilot with dummy data to simulate load will be a good idea. Organize a test group that can send queries to thsi group on sms, mails and faxes etc and actually measure the KPIs. Then maybe you will have some base line data to work with.
Do you have any previous data available? Any statistics in terms of volumes from the past. Start maintaining a record of the volume of work being processed, the amplitute fluctuation and frequency changes. If you do not have a SLA in place then this may be your best starting point. You may need to develop your own SLA.