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help please

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years ago by ashishjain17rediffcom.
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  • #17520

    Hi All
    We are interested in starting a call center in a small town of northern india. I need your help in the following areas:-
    1.How many minimum seats would be needed to make the venture profitable. We plan to start with the lowest.
    2.Cost of setup etc…..
    3.List of equipment and services and their cost.
    4.Finding process.
    5.Most feasable process.
    6.Different registrations etc. to be made with different authorities.

    An early reply would be highly appereciated.



    lalit tyagi

    Hello Vyga
    I need to know which part of northern india you will start call center.because lot of things is involved in it.We have to see if the feasibility of bandhwidth is there or not.Call center agents can be good.
    See rest thing we can do that i can suggest you also.
    we can assit you for that.
    lalit tyagi


    Hi Lalit
    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    We are interested in starting in UTTARANCHAL. Waiting for your valuable response.



    lalit tyagi

    Hello Vyga
    As i have told you see it would require these things.
    4.VOIP Box
    5.Bandwidth for Voice Packets According to seat
    6.Head Phone with dial Pad

    These are the requirement for call center.If you calculate on avg.12 to 15 lakh cost you for setting up call center of 15 seats.Which include all these.
    Than if you will go for recurring cost that it wud be 2.50 $ per seat per hour.So recurring cost also you can check.
    But if you have good agents.YOu can make 700-800 $ per agent per seat per shift(of 8 hours).And recurrring cost would be 500 $ maximum.So business is profitable but it wud require more money and patience.
    Lalit Tyagi


    Hi Lalit
    Thanks for your reply.Can you also tell me
    1. How much does the dialer cost. 2.Also I have heard that a callcenter can work without a Dialer .
    3.The setup cost that you gave me is it for an inbound or an out bound setup.
    4. In the recurring cost part which process are you talking about.
    5.How to get a good process and how to check the credentials of the provider.
    Waiting for a prompt response.


    lalit tyagi

    Hello Vygya
    If you are talking about international call center it would require.
    people can say without dialler also you can run.Next to impposible you will face so many problem.Business provider wont not give you business easily.
    Dialler cost you (normal dialler) INR 25000 per seat.But i can help you on rental basis also for just INR 6500 per seat.
    But frankly speaking you should have good amount of money if you think about call center.
    The costing which i told you is general and applicable for all process.This is cost which is coming generally for each seat.
    Business we also provide.we also help call center for all things.
    we are alreday doing business with 4 centers
    So if you need our help just give us mail id.i will shoot you mail.
    Lalit Tyagi


    Hi Lalit
    iam providing you the relevant details. Please read carefully.


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