I’d like to know if there is any institute providing certified voice/accent/fluency/ training in chennai which conducts crash courses on the same.Please let me know some of the branded institutes like these in CHENNAI and also advice me which one will be the BEST place for my money to find value.
We are into training for doctors,nurses and all student categories. We need our students to be trained in soft skills & accent training, how do we go about it.
My message to all who want to improve their accent is watch more enlish movies. Concentrate on the way the people speak,lip movements and if possible try and read a lot of books aloud, do it from of a mirror .. that would help u neutralize your accent and its should help u solve your accent/regional accent problems.
hello sam and all,
there is a lot that goes into understanding the concepts of voice and accent. have been working in various call centers for 3 years and know a lot.
There is a 2- day workshop for all those aspiring for a break in call centers. It includes personality development, accent training,telephone skills etc.
Its happening at East cultural assosiation in Indranagar (next to new horizan school) Bangalore on 21 st Nov.9.00 am onwards.I think they are charging a small fee . They are conducted by industry experts . It seems its goin to be very useful.