I am in Maine and trying to start a call center. I have never done this before and am fortunate enough to have the finances. Can someone point me in the right direction or give me some pointers how to do this.
Concerto is available from USA on ASP of Davox ( Completely Blended ) is @ Approx 3.2 US$ Per Logged hour per seat, including PSTN in US RBOC, Colocation and Mux ( US End ) including contact Pro CP-BSS, CP-AMP-B, CP-TDMA, CP-DIR, CP-GWFC, CP-BLDR & CP-GW. The ASP of Touch Star is available for 2.6 US$ per logged hour for the same specs. Minimum is 24 Seats with 2 T1’s ( For 1:2 Trunking )Timelines to start are close to 7 Work Days after termination of IPLC at the US end, includes client sation install at Indian end and Citrix server Install if needed. If IPLC is already tested and terminating elsewhere will take 6 Business days to transfer it to the new colo.