Is there anybody who can help me (technically) how you can start a prepaid calling card business i Middleeast (turkey). What shout technically be done to terminat a call to other contry from turkey? It must be very very low cost. Thanks in advance
I can give you all the required details but I need to understand whih all countries will you be targetting.
One of the best ways to do this business is to use a surrogate carrier i.e. bounce calls to all countries from a pre-set and pre-installed location and just use a fat transit pipe to your gateway. ow investmend and low operational maintenance cost would mean low prices!
Kindly publish your contact details so we can talk real time.
1. Take an international private leased line from Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş., apply cmpression to split in low bandwidth segments.
2. Put a gateway (switching, authentication IVRS) at your end.
3. Terminate the leased line at a remote gateway end (Say the US), and bounce all the calls on a in-expensive VoIP network.
4. Put a re-conciliation system at your end for billing consolidation.
I can provide more inputs and work on the entire solution.