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New Incentive Plan

  • This topic has 19 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 24 years ago by Jeff for Sue.
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  • #11023

    I am experiencing the problem of “babied” associates. I have associates that can not trouble shoot their headsets. They call me before checking the connections or the batteries. How do I make them responsible for their own work?

    Lisa Clow

    We have a similar incentive, but we base ours off of conversion, calls per hour and revenue per call. What I need advice on is what other little things can we do to boost morale and make sure that each agent knows how much we value them. Of course cost is an issue but we would like to give them something that would let them know we are watching and noticing not only the challenges but the great job they do too.

    Examples: Baloons w/ lotto tickest
    stickers w/ co. logo and date.
    Please send me any ideas you may have. (Hotel industry)

    Sue – read this

    Sue, I have the same experience in my group, and this is how I handled it: First, whenever I was approached with a similar situation, I told the rep to watch what I was doing so that they could learn it for themselves. I didint pitch it as ‘so you wont bother me’, but more like ‘if you know how to check this, then you can solve your problem faster rather than waiting for ME to do it.” I like to give them the sense that they do not want to (or have to) wait around for ME to solve a problem that they can fix themsleves.

    Later, I told them up front, that their evaluations would be based on more things than how many calls they take and how many sales they right up. Autonomy, Problem-Solving and Initiative would be EAQUALLY measured. I dont know how you do evaluations there, but I find this to be VERY useful. The slow and the weak usually improve or quit, because they understand that compensation is tied to all aspects of their performance.

    I hope this helps.


    Thanks for the information. Our current compensation package is not tied to performance, only tenure. That may be part of our problem. We do have a bonus plan which we are currently restructuring because it was not much of a motivator. I would love to talk with you more about what works and doesn’t work in your call center. Please let me know if you are interested and we can exchange email addresses.

    Thanks again.

    Jeff for Sue

    Sue –

    Always eager and anxious to exchange thoughts with other Call Center Managers.

    Feel free to e-mail me at

    – Jeff

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