I had posted a message earlier but it vanished,i dunno for what reason.
I am facing an issue with the quintum A 400,when i try making a call,the ivr answeres after 10-12 rings.could anyone guide me on this.
There is a parameter called IVRanswerdelay located in the pstntg. Unless you have a specific reason for changing this, you should leave this set to 0 and the Tenor should answer on the first ring.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the response,i did check the IVRanswerdelay parameter under pstng,it is set to 0.but it takes an unusually long time for the IVR to answer.Could a firmware upgrade solve the issue?
Not sure if the upgrade will help. You need to check what version you are running and the see what version is available on Quintum’s web site. There should be release notes for the new version that will say what bugs were fixed. I have not heard of a problem like yours before, especially with the A400. Have you tried connecting a phone to the line and ringing into it to see if there is a delay in the phone network deliverying the call to the line?
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