We have a quintum 2400, with which we send traffic from the IP to the PSTN port (port #2).
From now to then, I check the channels usage, and somtimes I see strange things, like this:
cas: t [d9a804 0] 7 (1, 1)
cas: t [d98804 0] 7 (1, 2)
cas: t [d96804 0] 7 (1, 3)
cas: t [d94804 0] 7 (1, 4)
cas: t [d92804 0] 7 (1, 5)
cas: t [d90804 0] 7 (1, 6)
cas: t [d8e804 0] 7 (1, 7)
cas: t [d8c804 0] 7 (1, 8)
cas: t [d8a004 0] 7 (1, 9)
cas: t [d86c04 0] 7 (1,10)
cas: t [d84004 0] 7 (1,11)
cas: t [d7dc04 0] 7 (1,12)
cas: t [d7bc04 0] 7 (1,13)
cas: t [d79c04 0] 7 (1,14)
cas: t [d77c04 0] 7 (1,15)
cas: t [d75c04 0] 7 (1,16)
cas: t [d6f404 0] 7 (1,17)
cas: t [d68804 0] 7 (1,18)
cas: t [cf8404 d0000c] 5 (2,16)
cas: t [ced804 cf540c] 5 (2,17)
h323: orig calls = 2 term calls = 0
h323: number of calls in stack = 2
CAS Call Blocks:
t (2,16) call proc(15)
t (2,17) call proc(15)
As you can see, 18 calls are noted as routed the the PBX port (port 1) – What is going on?! Does it mean that those calls were failed? Should I just ignore it?
Has someone faced the same thing as well?