I heard you.
I went and loaded Asterisk on a brand new Linux box, I will work those needed hours to get to understand how it works, so far I just hear great things about everybody using it, I hope I can find a good command line manual besides de help of the command line.
We loaded Asterisk on a old 600 MHX CPU that was on the floor of the shop, and wat impressed us the most is the ability of the box to interconnect to other Asterisk boxes in its native protocol as soon as you boot up the unit.
There is number that let you ring the Digium unit and call their support personnel as soon as your box finish booting your unit.
I guess Quintum could take note, selling their units pre-programed where you plug the unit and call for support from the box itself in seconds.
And all that from a company that gives away the sotware for free.
I loaded the latest version or at least the available one 1.3 I think it is, ran all installers and addons and I am ready to see what this beauty can do 🙂