We have a calling card setup in the uk, but we also want to let people in Italy use our cards, I have heard that ITFS is available but some comanies want to charge a ridiculous price for ITFS forwarding, any one have any ideas?
Hi Atish,
What kinda help are you exactly looking for? You may even e-mail me with your issues if you feel. Hopefully i’ll be able to help you as long as I’m a voip professional.
My email is abipu@yahoo.com
2 solutions
1. You can setup a gateway locally in Italy and redirect the calls to UK over IP.
2. Get a supplier who can provide access numbers and sends them over IP to UK.
I supply ITFS from 70+ countries. Yes, Italy is the most expensive ITFS in the EU. I would recommend setting up a local number from Italy to give very competitive calling card rates. I think they artificially keep the rates high just so encroaching calling card operators can not compete on a level playing field. Setting up a local number that will point to your CC platform in UK is easy enough. I would only do if if you agree to pay all the monthly fees.
James W. Wilson
Dow Networks
1.770.937.9519 (office)
1.770.937.9720 (fax) http://www.downetworks.com
james (at) downetworks.com