Are you looking for a commerical solution, which costs money, but you can start using it within few days and have support for it – or “free” do-it-yourself solution?
Have you tried Snom
its commercial and its got a demo
was not very disappointed by the demo but I have now resorted to
GNU SER(iptel) and am happy with it
I think disadvantage of Snom (or the standalone ser) is that this solution is not integrated with the billing. May be it’s ok for the small company when you want to establish connection between the offices, but you definitely need more if you want to provide SIP-based commercial services. With PortaSIP+PortaBilling you can start doing your business within 1 hour after the installation.
P.S. IPTEL’s ser is a part of PortaSIP, and Porta Software developers are contributing to it’s development.
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