“Hold it a minute. I just browsed this web site as I have an interest in this sort of technology.I would say talk to your SP regarding the latency on the sat system, and then check the ITU specs for VOIP.
We just took sats out of three sites and all we were doing was VPN with telnet data! ”
I just wanted to point out that there are different classes of broadband satellite, and most consumer class services such as Starband and DirecWay will not support toll quality voice. In fact many of the business class systems are also very poor at handling jitter and latency.
There are however, some enterprise class broadband satellite solutions that do an excellent job with VoIP. Dedicated SCPC bandwidth has been used for years to deliver toll-quality VoIP. International analog voice was carried for many years over satellite and people had little problem adjusting to the half second round trip delay. The right solution will provide similar quality.