Yes, you could use it that way. ut to be able to call from one box to the other, you will need to dial the I.P. address of the other box.
If you get a gatekeeper,software or hardware, you could just dial the phone number asigned to the remote box.
Idea: If you have the type of phones that have few memories that could be programed to a button on the phone, you could program the whole string in a memory.
Something like “to call the office in Italy, press the red button.
Dear All,
Can any body help me wherather can i call any cisco ata 186 with out any service provider ? that is say can i call any cisco ata 186 which is online using the IP registered on it.
Plz advise me on this.
Hi I have 2 ATA 886 i would like to connect point to point over internet
can you have me with info on how to do that and if i need an add software of hardware
If anyone configured cisco ata 188 in 4 locations without using gatekeeper software.just i want to call by dialing like 345 to the other phone which is also connected to ata.If gatekeeper is compullsory anythinhg available free or which cheapest gatekeeper integrate with cisco ata boxes
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