I am looking for single line VOIP Gateway or you can say VOIP Telephone for calling all over the world. I want whole sale rates for world wide term-ination I want to have access on billing Systems, so I can generate my own pins, make my own rate tables, want to add my own routes and need Web Based access on Billing System.
I want Good/Stable Quality Gateway/IP-Telephone, I will buy in good quantity if my it will match my all requirements.
A very tall order indeed.
Amazing, but may be a place like that . See VOIPamericas.com. They claim to do all the above.
1) They will support ATA 186 gateways
2)Access to billing
3)Own routes, rate tables and customer access to billing.
Nice chunk of change to start with. If anyone on the board have any experience with this company, I will like to talk with you.
Post on the board for everyone benefit.