If I correctly understood the question then H.323 client is included in Windows 2000 and you can use it via dialer.
There is free H.323 library with examples of H.323 s/w phones. You can download it from http://www.openh323.org.
We ended up buying a H323 sofphone license from Cirilium, GW and a GK also. It goes by licences.
A bit expensive but it runs ok.
There is another one that I tried and works fine from H323 EyePPhone Desktop.
Thx Guys for the input, however, we only require a soft phone dialer for commercial distirbution, along with our Pc-to-Phone Pre-Paid Scratch Card Services.
Hence, would require one with the SDK as well, or a vendor who will charge one time and customize it for us.
Our contact is (y.afghan@amzt.com).
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