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Can you Design VOIP with me….

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  • #21687

    Well. I have simple question. I need to design VOIP network for my company. I am having VOIP service provider. It follows standard compression & H.323 . Now How can I keep record my VOIP calls record and make easy rounting as per my requirement.

    In other words.. What sort of GateKeeper will work. with AAA facilities as well. & What other factors to be considered.


    Radvision gatekeepers are good with H.323 endpoints.Check them out…

    Rene Bo

    I have been involved in designing a few networks, but you need to be more specific in describing the setup, number of subscribers, number of minutes, is it postpaid or prepaid. One or 2 stage dialling. Are we talking retail or wholesale. Will the gatekeeper need to be in control of the call, or letting it go after the callsetup. Will it need H323 firewalling to hide your networkstructure from partners.

    If unsure take any old ciscorouter and give it an GK IOS, that will get you going.

    Addie you need to be more specific..

    Rene Bo

    Samir Ahsan

    I have to design a VoIP network for my company. Can anyone suggests me the relevent information or the resources. Or any prefered productsS and service providers


    Rene Bo

    To Samir:
    I dont get your point, how will your question help solve the routing and AAA issues in the original post ??

    The generel info you are looking for is all over the internet and usenet, go find it !!

    /Rene Bo


    Hello Rene

    Thanks for your response. Could you please call me at 607-776-5797


    Rene Bo

    Since you left out countrycode I assume you are in US ??

    Samir Ahsan

    To Rene

    Thanks for the response.
    I have visited lots of sites and resources, but i am not able to find the relevent papers. As i want to start from a scratch. I know the technology i want to work on each segment. Like routing, protocols, compression etc.

    I hope u will help me and guide me a little.

    With regards!



    Dear Rene

    Yes I am in USA. Please either call me or leave your number. In case I am away in some meeting please leave voice mail message.


    Rene Bo

    Hi Samir

    Here is a general describtion of voip.

    Rene Bo

    Rene Bo

    Hi Addie

    Depending upon where in the US your living timedifference is an issue.

    Im in Singapore, GMT +8. :-))

    How come it is usually US citizens that forget countrycodes??, I mean the westernized USA is a very young country, barely a few hundreds years old. They should be able to remember the presence of the rest of the world. :-))

    Ask the questions here, then everyone can benefit.

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