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Where can I download FREE VoIP softwares

  • This topic has 30 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 20 years ago by pramod dosaya.
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  • #21139
    Barry Ng

    Hi everyone,
    I have to research Voice Over IP project for my class, so I need to know:
    1) Where I can download freeware ,shareware, demo…VoIP sotfwares(besides com) to practice and compare
    2) What VoIP softwares are BEST nowadays?GOOD? BAD? SO SO?
    3 What other good sites for resarch this topic?
    Thanks for reading and reply.

    Ravindra Gunturi

    Hi Barry,

    You first refer the information on SIP and H.323 standards.

    Then visit the sites,, and like this u have thousand of sites. Apart from this you first visit for better idea on your project. I am also working on the same line, if you require some more information please get in touch with

    I think this is sufficient information to start your work.
    Best of luck.

    Suresh Nair

    where can i get voice over ip softwares with source code?

    Guest – SIP “mainly” – h323

    Vinit Tople

    I am intending to work on a project on VoIP concept.
    But to get my project approved, I have been asked to come up with an idea or a new application of VoIP.
    I am ready to work to any extent if required, but what i need is a goal in my project…
    so it would be very kind of you if u could just introduce me to some new applications or ideas in VoIP….or even those good ones which have been implemented but not really put in use ….
    thanx a lot


    I dont see too many deployments of presence integration with voice and video deployments.



    I want what all softwares are available on for voip.

    dilip vagadia

    Hi everyone,
    I have to research Voice Over packet networks project for my class, so I need to know:
    1) Where I can download freeware ,shareware, demo…VoIP sotfwares(besides com) to practice and compare
    2) What VoIP softwares are BEST nowadays?GOOD? BAD? SO SO?
    3 What other good sites for resarch this topic?
    Thanks for reading and reply.

    kashif and faisal


    We are kashif and faisal from Pakistan .We have to do a project on VOIP. But we don’t know from where we should start gaining knowledge. Will you please tell us that how we should precede i.e. what we should study first and then how to procede. We think that first of all we have to study data communication in detail then, web telephoney and then protocols like sip and h323. will you please guide us that how we should procede. We will be thankful to you.
    Good Bye.


    Hi everybody.
    Where can I find a free voip-Tool what will support Windows AND Linux, so that I (linux) can talk to my friends (Windows2000) ofer the internet?

    Adnan Siddiqui

    Hi Everyone,

    You can learn most of H323 from

    Adnan Siddiqui


    If you want a project for VOIP, then there is a need for simple 1-5 line systems for small organisations or home users that DO NOT need dedicated hardware. The best sollution is a VOIP – PSTN gateway using voice modems. I actualy game accross something that was started on this a few years ago but the people developing it seemed to get into bed with a hardware provider and all information on modem support vanished to be replaced by some BS about it not being possible due to codecs needed etc. If that was the case then how can a PC play it through the sound card?



    My cable modem is bloking all voip aplication. Any help are welcome@!!!


    Well a lot of quistions here but no answers.
    To give you all a general idea I will put in some answers.
    If you want to no more just send me a email and I will try to help you all out.
    You have to start at the basics, what is IP telephony and what is Voice over IP. Second thing you need to know is what kind of network do i need to get started in the firts place. Protocols is not that important, only if you know what your goals are with IP Telephony. SIp or H323 or G723.
    It all depence on featers your customer needs in his company.
    And than you need to find out which vendor is the best choice to work with.
    Take a look at the Cisco E-learning site. There a lot of free of charge cources avalable which will help you to understand IP Telephony. Or take a look at they have some pretty goods books on Voip and IP Telephony. Or try to contact a local Cisco Sales office.
    Specialy if you need material for educational use, Cisco is verry supportive on this.
    Or sen me a email and perhapse I can help you. Take a look at my company site, specialy on the trainings site.

    With regards,

    Morgan de Ruiter


    Hi there,
    Can any one help to know where i can get informatio about the current growth rate of voice and data traffic in US or Worldwide? What is the current ratio of voice to data traffic.
    Please send me a link with this information at this e-mail ASP:


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