VOIP has an intended market penetration and saturation point. In time it will have a primary presence in the domestic, educational and business markets. What are these criteria, what is the current market penetration for VOIP, it’s implementations and who is currently using it, both people and enterprises?
I’m a copywriter researching the influence of VOIP on contemporary life, writing for both the business community and the public at large. Your insigts and referrals are meaningful, please respond to Eddie at CopyWriter@SmartAndFrugal.com
VoIP main application is Long Distance – trunk replacement, meaning – replacement of traditional telephony trunks with alternative cheap bandwidth over internet protocol.
This revolution is absolutely transperent to you, the customer – accept maybe, the fact that the IP telephony led a “violent” revolution in the prices of long distance phone calls.
Giants like AT&T lose money as a consiquent of that very revolution.
The buty?
If you still didn’t get it – you can make a call to your uncle in Germany from your telephone set to his telephone set through IP route and not even know about it. Only that the price you pay is much lower.
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