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  • #20561
    Haroun loop

    i wanna know the minimum bandwidth or speeds in leased lines that will carry voice and data…


    There are many factors involved to provide you a specific answer. Such as what CODEC do you prefer, G.711, G.723, etc. What type of QoS are you looking to provide. I can tell you from experience at a VoIP Carrier, that we could pass approximately 96 voice calls through a T1 to Asia, at a an estimated 3.5 MOS. So you are looking at 16k/sec per call. Not Tier1 quality but pretty close.

    to mr, Dan

    Thank u for responding..

    but can u advise me or send me a documentation about voice?

    cause i don’t know about the diffrence between the types of codecs…

    and here in egypt we r using 128k as an affordble band width…

    pls help me,,,,and thank u again…

    u can mail me just if u wanna at

    Nancy Dupond

    Dear Sir ,
    It depends . According to our experience in Egypt , with a 128K leased line you can install 8 analog lines or 8-10 GSM lines . It also sometimes depend on the backbone of the ISP in Egypt .

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