I can help you with VoIP termination/origination for US traffic. I have some very good offerings. Please send me an email at: hallgreen@aol.com
I will send all my contact information as soon as I receive your email so we can talk by phone. If needed, I may be able to come visit you in Mexico soon
I am a VoIP Specialist for WorldCom
e-mail me a list of cities/numbers for Termination/Origination. Or if you need info e-mail or call.
Thanks herschel.hill@wcom.com
860-904-4739 direct
I am a VoIP Specialist for WorldCom
e-mail me a list of cities/numbers for Termination/Origination. Or if you need info e-mail or call.
Thanks herschel.hill@wcom.com
860-904-4739 direct
Can you give me prices for origination/termination in Spain, Sweden, Italy and USA vía IP? Also, Also, we are interested in Calling Cards over IP, if you have something to offer.
We offer VoIP as well as Video over IP. Our website is being revised but it will give you a good idea of some of our service offerings, http://www.wwtiusa.com. If you are interested in pursuing this further, send me an email with your contact information and I will get back to you.
We offer VoIP as well as Video over IP. Our website is being revised but it will give you a good idea of some of our service offerings, http://www.wwtiusa.com. If you are interested in pursuing this further, send me an email with your contact information and I will get back to you.