Home » Topics » Telecom Design » what’s the procedure of send SMS in AXE?
Misa Guest
Hi all,
Is there any procedure to send SMS by using WinFIOL?
Jinhua Dong Guest
hi, Misa
what’s your mean? Can you send Short Message by WinFiol? I don’t your means.
Jack Sparrow Guest
I think you are refering Cell BROADCAST SMS which is initiated via Commands.
Misa Guest
Hi Jinhua Dong,
Hi Jack Sparrow,
Yes, I want the commands to send an SMS or SMS-CB to the subscriber by using the WinFIOL.
Harjeet Guest
Hi Misa,
It is not possible to send SMS thru Winfiol, infact you cannot send direct SMS in AXE without any SMSC connected to it.
waleed1111 Guest
hi all, i don’t know if i understood you misa!you meant by your question if there a way to send announcement messege through winfiole in case of critical alarm or poblems in the msc or bsc to maintanace team or speacial team?if thats what you are asking for i’ll give you thw way…
Scot Guest
Hi Waleed,
Can you give this Methode to send ANNS to Maint Staff.
Misa Guest
Hi waleed1111,
That’s right. Pls tell me, how to do it.
my email: misamobile@yahoo.com
nuone Guest
Please where can i download WinFIOL
otman Guest
how winfiol send commands to axe10
otman Guest
winfiol software intoduction?
mih Guest
it is another parameter like OBA for message you didn’t pay for subscriber ? it is important for me that the subscriber can call the 911(112) service but didn’t call in other way.
How can to use.
Alireza Guest
Is there any document about AXE810+APG40?
bkiran Guest
Hi Jack/Jinhuna
Could any one of you please send the Alex documents for APG40/IOG20
I do have the alex software[using for SGSN]..just i need alex documents for APG40/IOG20.
Here is my email:b_kirankancherla@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance.
Sabri Ben-Saber Guest
I want to learn more about the APG40, the commands on it and how to use winfiol with.
Thanks in advance.
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