I am working on ZTE BTS. There is some problem about TCH Blocking. For which i have tuned Neighbour, RU Card Change. site have less utilization.problemis still same.
Is E1 Reset is the any resolution of this problem?
1)Is the TCH blocking dynamic in nature i.e are some TCH are blocked randomly sometimes or TCH remain blocked always.
2)what exactly do you mean by E1 reset here, because you cant give reset to E1 in ZTE, you can try to change the RRM of the site if its a module related problem.
Hi tanuj,
1) TCH are blocking is Dyanamic.
2) E1 reset means: Delete the KLM from BSC end with the help of OMC-R, and then recreate the same KLM for the same node.
IS this right to do with.
one more thing is E1 slip is responsible for TCH Blocking……
kindly suggest me….
1) Yes slips in E1 are responsible for random blocking.
2)If the TCH Blocking is dynamic then please confirm if the site has 2 E1’s and if there are no slips on the first E1 then there must be slips on the 2nd E1 which lead to the random blocking of the TCH which are defined dynamically by ZTE system on the 2bd E1.
Change the E1 from OMCR and take history alarm logs and check if there are any alarms related to slips on the new E1’s, if slips are preent then get BSS to check and change the media.