A sudden improvement in KPI in all retain-ability parameters was noticed in the network. TC drop reduced by 12% and SD drop reduced by 7%. TC ASR has increased by 5%… HOSR too improved by 10%. Further analysis showed that 50% of handovers are inter-BSC and only these have improved a lot. Inter-MSC handovers have also improved. Traffic has not really varied much although it has slighly increased. All counters related to tch drop show equal %age of improvement – i.e. abis_fail, a_if_fail, radio_fail, radio_fail_on_ho… TCH performance is noted to be the same throughout the day wrt previous days(when network was bad) showing tremendous improvement wrt previous days in evening busy hours… No physical optimisation was carried out.. Although recently some synchronisation testing was being done nothing has been changed.. Rx_dl_quality and Ul_quality has suddenly improved. Interference is same.. And HOs due to UL level(signal strength) and DL level(signal strenght) have noticeable improvement.. Kindly suggest further analysis help and what could be the reasons??? Improvements are spread throughout different BSCs and MSCs… – Nokia System…
Previously network parameters were consistently bad.. The improvement was sudden after a KPI dip day and the network is still in good condition as of now..
Sorry those are not inter-BSC h/o but rather BSC-controlled handovers.. Sync alarms were much higher than normal on the improvement day..
Someone please tell me how to proceed???
@Mickey: Yes, two major causes were found and corrected.. Resulting in a stabler network with lesser ups and downs in KPIs. 1)Sync correction: The whole network synchronisation was remodelled and implemented in two months. -> Huge KPI improvements noticed due to this.
2)Correction of link imbalance: Caused stability in the KPIs.
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