Does changing the LAPD signalling ex.unconcentrated to concentrated or vise versa will have an effect on KPI particularly SCCH drops? Thanks in advance.
in case of lapd congestion, some messages could be lost on the abis interface. But the lapd layer should then resend the lost message.
So the lapd load should never impact the radiolink, unless the congestion lasts for a long time and the lapd link is resetted.
I don’t know exactly what is concentrated or unconcentrated, so i’m only speaking theoretically.
I think u r in ericsson system.
Increasing CONFACT may cause immense load on the signalling bandwidth (bringing down signalling performance, increasing TCH/SDCCH drops due to other reason, lower paging success rate etc) especially in the case of cells that carry a lot of traffic.
Thanks Bijoy. Yup im working with ericsson network. Do we have ericsson counter that could evaluate this signalling at abis degradation related to LAPD per MO(aside from SDCCH/TCH drop due to other reasons at cell level).
What can b the possible causes for LAPD congestionin in general ??
I’m working in HUAWEI system & in one of my cells I’m getting repeated lapd congestion. What are the action can be takent to remove congestion. Plz help.
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