- This topic has 11 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years, 10 months ago by sander.
19th November 2010 at 06:32 #65028jackGuest
i read below sentences in one Doc from Nokia:
An additional possibility to increase the capacity of a classical GSM 900 network is offered by the extended GSM 900 band. Standard (P-GSM) and extended (E-GSM) frequencies are used in separate BTSs. With nokia it is not possible to use TRXs of both bands within the same BTS. Tri band must be supported by the MS as well. The common BCCH feature is required to put the BTS under one BCCH, one Segment.my question is:
why P and E band must use in separate cells?
why channels of both bands cannot be used in same cell?
please explain this situation:
if in one cell BCCH TRX have E-GSM FREQ and other TRXs have P-GSM FREQ,it is possible?19th November 2010 at 10:54 #65029pixGuestHello Jack,
why P and E band must use in separate cells?
— it is a nokia’s limitationwhy channels of both bands cannot be used in same cell?
— it is a nokia’s limitationplease explain this situation:
if in one cell BCCH TRX have E-GSM FREQ and other TRXs have P-GSM FREQ,it is possible?— In nokia, according to your document : no
But in ALU for example, it is possible, however it is not recommended ! Because not all MS are E-GSM capable. Therefore it is better to have a P-GSM BCCH, and some E GSM trx. If MS is EGSM capable, it goes to EGSM trx, otherwise it goes to PGSM trx. But in all cases, the MS is able to do the call setup on a PGSM BCCH.Regards,
Pix19th November 2010 at 23:48 #65030RexGuestHi,
We are using both P-GSM and G1(E-GSM) in the same cell and it works perfectly. Two TRXs in P-GSM and the rest in E-GSM. Two TRXs in P-GSM appeared to be enough for older phones which not support G1 band (E-GSM). Vendor is ALU. I’m surprised why in Nokia it is not possible.
Rex20th November 2010 at 05:52 #65031pixGuestRex,
maybe this was an extract of an old documentation? Later release from nokia should support it as well, otherwise, that is suprising indeed !
Regarding your ALU network : you are using EGSM_RR_ALLOCATION = 0, right ?
What is the penetration rate of EGSM MS ? (there are some indicators to check that out in NPO, if i remember correctly)
pix21st November 2010 at 08:26 #65032JACKGuesthi pix
you are right.
it was an old Doc.
i test it.
i can have E-GSM and P-GSM trx in one cell,but in this situation i cannot have Hopping!this cell must be in BB or NOT hopping mode.
if i want to create one MA list consist of P-GSM and E-GSM Freqs i should buy this feature from nokia.i dont have much money to do that!!
then i can attach this bran-new MA list to Cell and have RF hopping.
what is advantage and disadvantage of having P-GSM and E-GSM TRXs in one cell in BB or NOT hopping mode?
last question:
please clarify me about PCU POOLING in nokia BSC.
regards21st November 2010 at 10:06 #65033pixGuesthi jack,
i’m not familiar at all with nokia system, so i can’t help you more. The idea is that a MS which is only P-GSM cannot use a frequency “G1”, this is why mixing both bands within one MA list should not be done.
I wonder how nokia do it with BBH. I guess the G1 trx are hopping on G1 frq only, and PGSM are hopping on PGSM frequencies only. (?)regards
pix21st November 2010 at 18:07 #65034RexGuestHi Pix,
Yes, we are using EGSM_RR_ALLOCATION = 0 and the penetration rate is over 99%.
Rex.8th May 2012 at 16:24 #65035jeanGuestAllo Pix,
We have a network with 22eGSM and 8pGSM frequencies with high penetration of eGSM non cap mobile. Unfortunately, we cannot plan all the BCCH with pGSM, therefore, we cannot use RR Alloc Str = 0, So we planned to make a plan with pure eGSM, so that the DCS can handle the problem mobiles. But we have a concern, the pure eGSM will not be able to serve as a rescue cell for the problem mobiles when they need to leave DCS in emergency….Any Idea?9th May 2012 at 12:36 #65036pixGuestjean,
your non-capable EGSM MS are screwed !!
Keeping all of them in the DCS band is a solution, and I don’t have any other idea in my mind… But they will experience call drops when leaving the DCS1800 cells. And “no network” in the rural area without DCS1800 coverage.What is the penetration rate of the EGSM MS ? More than 5% ?
The best approach is to replace the old PGSM MS by newer EGSM MS. You could track them down by doing a a-interface trace.
Then, you need to involve Customer Relations / Marketing dpt, so they can offer new phones to those (old & very devoted) customers.10th May 2012 at 15:31 #65037JeanGuestThanks Pix. I used NB_EGSM_MS_ACCESS_EXCEPT_LU_PM110(MC706)(nb) to analyse eGSM accesses and some cells had up to 80% accesses by eGSM non-capable mobiles, but these are for the successes. Is there any other indicator I can use to estimate the failures apart from Astellia Trace?
In addition, for a cell with BCCH- eGSM, will a non capable phone even attempt???9th October 2012 at 14:49 #65038NSN GuyGuestHey All ,
It depends on your BSC Software Version Used
If RG 10 – you can’t use PGSM as BCCH & EGSM as TCHs , but its possible to use EGSM as BCCH and PGSM as TCH
IF RG15 – you can use PGSM – EGSM in any form you want , but you have to enable Feature {{ EPM = EGSM-PGSM MErge}}
24th March 2014 at 13:00 #65039sanderGuestIn what countries pGSM is allowed?
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