In MFS ALU, while implementing GboIP tere is a restriction that MFS supervision should be 1 o&m LAN with RIP disabled,has anyone an idea about this restriction? especially i didn’t get the relation with O&M while we are usine telecom flow on another router than the O&M one!!
The “one LAN” configuration deeply impacts the internal routing and internal IPs of the MFS. Therefore, the GboIP can work only with “one LAN” conf, and not with the other one.
I know it is not exactly the answer you wanted, but I cannot get more specific than this… It’s just the way it is. Don’t question ALU restrictions :)) Live with it !
Ok i’ll try to get it ;), anyway i have another question related to MFS SSW eternet port 6 which was phisically down when we tried to test GboIP connecitivity, any idea about this? how to resolve it?
Hello Peter,
I got the same problem for port 6 when we did the configuration. up to now we have no idea on what it represents, bu want to know if you found a solution that can help me.
Until Now we don’t have any progress and the port is still down, could you plz tell me more about the configuration u did: O&M and Telecom Traffic Same LAN or not, internal @, Telecom Router configuration…? u are in which country? what was the response of ALU on this case?
hi all, i would like to know whats the difference between the GboIP configuration Telecom and O&M traffic on the same LAN and the other configuration in Two separated LAN.
We resolved the problem of the SW port down by changing the parameter speed from auto to 100. but MFS goes down when having two connection to two different cisco routers, any idea about this?
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