Some answers to the questions in this thread/post:-
1. Is Camel used only for Roaming purposes (handling of prepaid Roamers)?
Answer: Main use-case is Prepaid roaming. CAMEL is a Network Service that is based on CAP and MAP signalling. It is used so that Services that are in the Home Network can be used in the Visited Network. Good example is Prepaid Services. The Home Network has the Realtime Charging Database. Another example is Number Translation services.
2. What are the message flows of an incoming Call and and outgoing one (OCSI and TCSI)?
Answer: X-CSI is configured in the UDC/HLR/HSS database. CSI – CAMEL subscription identity – is used to service mark an end user for CAMEL services. Several flows for incoming and outgoing cases can be found in 3GPP for CAP V2 / V3 / V4.
3. What is TDP? Why TDP2 for OCSI and TDP12 for TCSI?
Answer: TDP is a trigger detection point. CAMEL is basically a Finite State Machine (Basic Call State Machine) that uses a “trigger point” to “rope in” the control layer (gsmSCF). DP2 – Detection Point – is used to analyse / trigger requests to the gsmSCF.
VBR/ Wallis Dudhnath
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