Few aspects about utilization
1.Are you talking of full rate TCH utilisation.But if your Half rate is enabled,then obviously your utilisation will be higher.
2.Utilisation talks about the resource busy time in regards to the GOS of the system.Now,how do you calculate your equppd erlang?Its through ErlangB with 2% gos,Now if there is high tch blocking in the cell,you gos will increase ,& so will be your utilisation
Also remember that according to Erlang B 8 channels at 2% blocking gives 3.627Erlangs. However, if 8 channels are occupied for an hour, it generates 8 Erlangs . Since 1 Erlang is defined as occupation of 1 radio channel for 1hour.
Abou Utilization %
According to the Ut formula that we used ir is normal to get more than 100% boz we used generate traffic /erlang b table teaffic gos 2%
And the rule that you can check your data generate traffic should be less than or equal tch number
Blocking in telecommunication systems is when a circuit group is fully occupied and unable to accept further calls. Terms used are Blocking and non-blocking switch.
Grade of Service – GOS – term from the Analog era that was used to help with Switch and Circuit dimensioning.
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