Hi all, actually we are in B9 ALU BSS and we are facing some high BSC loaded in term of BHCA, are they any recommendation about BHCA load and probably could we face overload?
We are using both of the ALU BSC with different capacities, and division is maked by number of BHCA MAX carried by the BSC (given by ALU for each type of BSC),
values reached 96% for some BSCs while Traffic Load is still low 70% on the BSC, any explanations?
Well, the BHCA capacity is just computed accordingly to the capacity in erlangs. It depends on the values used in the ALU traffic assumptions.
When you say traffic load, it is :
total of all RTCH_Erlang_total ( TCTRE ) for all cells at the same hour…
divided by Erlang Capacity of the BSC (which is depending on configuration).
The traffic load is certainly a better way to assess the actual load of the BSC.
In B10 and in the BSC evolution only, there is this counter :
MC926 : Each time the CCP reaches the limit defined by the MAX_TCH_PER_CCP parameter.
Otherwise, that’s all I can think of… Do you see high CDR or poor CSSR during the busy hour ?
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