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Ericsson End of Selection Code

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  • #57509

    Does anybody have experience with Ericsson’s MSC EOS? I would like to know if the end of selection codes can be use for quality tracking of core problems.

    Abhinandan Bhardwaj


    i am VAS vendor and have deployed my server in one of the operator having ericsson switch. i am getting maximum fail calls in case of out dial, thats why i want to know the diffrent error logs for end of selection. by this i would be able to know thw exact reason (like subscriber is absent, switch off, out of coverage, number doesnt exsist, etc)

    Pedro Méndez

    Please, tell me what is the meaning of end of selection code 533 on ericsson systems.


    i would like to know what is End of selection..?

    Wallis Dudhnath

    End of Selection cause codes helps to understand how a telephony session was released. The generated cause code will help with trouble shooting switch resources, circuits, connections, signalling, etc..

    As EOS (cause codes) captures the nature of the call release it can be used as an input for any planned CEM system solution.

    Information from the Network will need to be captured, stored and processed so that “insights” can be created.

    VBR/ Wallis Dudhnath



    Wallis Dudhnath

    Hi Shibli,

    EOS – End of Selection Codes.

    For the MSC/VLR/SSF/gsmSSF EOS you have to look the CODS (MML commands), PODS (Printouts) and OPI (MML operations) documentation set.

    MML is the man machine language that is used by the Switch (Stored Program Control) node.

    VBR/ Wallis Dudhnath

    David Mpanga

    EOS documents

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