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  • #57474

    Hi All

    I want to know what could be the cause of low CSSR of a BSC level and all the cells under that BSC.

    Thanking you in advance:



    Have you SDCCH congestion? or SDCCH assign fail BSS? or TCH assign fail BSS?

    If cssr is low due to SDCCH congestion and your sdcch dimensionning is good then you may have A interface congestion if you do not have HW/SW problem at BSC or TC level. Check if you enough CIC on Ater link or blocked CIC or N7 instability.

    Good Luck!!!


    Hi everybody!!

    Can anyone tell me how to measure Connected ratio, Answer Ratio, Connection to seizure ratio, Answer to Seizure Ratio of an MSC having many trunk groups. We have Huawei MSC where these counters are measured trunk group wise. I want to know that how can we measure aggregate values of these counters for an msc.


    You may find the call attempts (Bid times), connect times, answer times for each trunk group from your NMS (M2000) [see TKGRP Traffic]. For trunk group wise data, go to object setting and select the TGs for which you want to find the counters.

    Connected Ratio=Calls connected times/Bid times, Answer Ratio=Anwer Times/Bid Times,
    Seizure Ratio=Seizure times/bid times, Connection to Seizure Ratio=call connected times/seizure times, Answer to Seizure Ratio =answer times/seizure times.

    For aggregate values you should take the data to exel sheet and use sum formula or put into pivot table for required result.

    Khwaja Hashmi

    What calls are there between BID calls and Seizure calls.

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