I found a cell from drivetest log file,where the downlink rx quality is very poor.The call was on TCH (hopping,synthesizer).During the poor rx quality there was no interference (C/I was very good.).Rx level was very strong.
I found also from the carrier statistics that, downlink BER was high (>2%) for all the hopping TRX of this cell.
Is it due to any Hardware issue? If is it, then which part of hardware we need to check??
Clutter type is Urban.Path balance stat is ok.Drop call rate is not so high (about 2% or less then 2%).But this cell has very poor downlink quality.
Please recommend what step do I need to resolve the poor quality issue.
Try to desactivate hoping, and monitor the KPI’s of the cell.
After that, if you have KPI’s bye TRX, you must monitor it.
Can you tell us the provider just to help you.
Hi Naseer,
What is MHT (Mean Holding Time) for each TRX? What is call efficiency for each TRX? If both of these indicators are low than change TRX.
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