Home » Topics » Telecom Design » atenna back loop
Mazin Guest
how far can go the back loop of the 1800M, when there is normal terrain and the height of the antenna is 40Meters
Pix Guest
about one-eigth of the front lobe, roughly.
If the fron cell coverage is 800m, then the back lobe is about 100m…
but that’s really just a rough estimation 🙂
it depends on mechanical and electrical downtilt applied to the antenna though.
paraHO Guest
Pix said “about one-eigth of the front lobe, roughly.”
Pix is that manufacturer specific or is that rule of thumb applied generally from a particular GSM/3GPP Standard, please?
Pix Guest
Pure rule of thumb…
A back lobe has an attenuation of -30dB. Typical propagation models say that -10dB = coverage divided by 2.
so -30db = coverage divided by 8.
rule of thumb.
But you must take into account the tilt also !
Mazin Guest
my antenna is kathrein 739684 it’s height is 40m and you can get the back loop from around 18m that is what i saw practically.
Pix Guest
What do you mean by “get from” ?
I’m not sure we’re talking about the same thing…
Sikander Lawang Guest
Two GSM companies want to erect Their Towers 15m far from each other. is this possible?
Are they will face FI, EMI or back loop interference
Want to know about interference and or legal distace bW tow towers
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