In ericsson 2G cabinets,we usually gets alarm for RX diversity sometimes even when we use both ports of antenna.It is npt service affecting but how can we kill this alarm.
it happens if you have a crossed feeder towards the antenna.. check it simultaneously.. I mean, have someone upstairs to check the feeder connection.. try to do DTF with a dummy load to see which feeder you are testing. if he picked the wrong one, of course you will get a VSWR of the whole antenna system.. so you’ll have to do it 1 by 1.. the cell A TX/RXA leg is not paired with Cell A RXB. it means the right diversity is paired with the other sector..
when you reset the TG or halt the station it will appear again at least 1 hour. (if u cant rapair ant. system). never leave the site if u dont sure to fixing site
sure it will come back. so better have sitemaster or equivalent in troubleshooting.. it makes also handy when you have a netmonitor to check whether your BCCH is on the right sector/cell.. have fun! goodluck
I’m very new to this field & first of all i just want to know what is rx diversity lost,rx path imbalance in ericsson and how we can rectify them.please help me.i am totally in confusion and my seniors are not helping me.please help me…
you must verify jumpers feeders and connectors or you must used site master and see the value of vswr your can found the localisation of proleme.good luck.c’est l’expérience qui parle.