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  • #54518

    I would like to ask if i want to make netrwork dimenioning for TRX for network how do I make it It is better to take average BH traffic for period of time or take maximum for the period.



    if you look at the current erlang traffic, you’re looking at the traffic currently handled by existing TRX. Meaning that you’ll look at numbers such as 15 erlangs in cell A, and 8 erlang in cell B…
    but then… how can you decide to add TRX with these numbers ? This traffic is already carried.

    You should look at the RTCH congestion, and the amount of directed retry & traffic HO. These will tell you how much traffic is NOT carried.
    If it’s too high, then you should add a TRX (or activate HR).
    Anyway, when you do dimensioning, always use the maximum value (or average of 3 max values over one month without taking into account the worst one, etc..)
    Keep in mind that your subscribers base will grow up over time, and in one year your traffic might have increased by 30%.
    It might be smart to include this margin (30% or less) in your computation.


    thanks for the explanation but if I want to take only offered traffic and on the basis for offered traffic per month made epansion what will be difference


    ok, for expansion, you have to check what’s your expected growing rate for the next year… your marketing team should have some idea about that.

    you add that up to your current offered traffic (average busy hour, or average of your max’s over one month).


    thanks for support

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