Can anybody explains the parameter NSEI (New Establishment Causes Support)..NOKIA BSS..its default value is either Y/N…
Wat is the effect of keeping its value Y and or N…
is it used in Call establishment or it is a Handover related parameter..
in Channel request message(MOC or Answer to paging) if NECI=off 3bit used for establishment cause and 5 bits used for Random reference in the case of NECI = on vice versa so we have more Establishment cause messages in situation.
cause for access demands (RACH) is coded on 2 octets. this mean it can take up to 256 value (0 to ff in hexa). With NECI “off” not all cause are considered valid (which means not all value for access demand are acceptable) , With NECI “on” all cause are acceptable (even if theory there are still 3 or 4 cause that are reserved for future used). There’s strictly no effect except on phantom Rach. if decoded cause for this phantom is one which was discraded when NECI “off” it will no longer be discarded.
In GPRS protocol stack, every unique BSSGP Virtual
Connection (BVC) that is NSEI+BVCI for each
GPRS cell belongs to Network Service Entity (NSE).
NSEI uniquely identifies every NSE. Generally, one
BSC is divided into one service entity.
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