I need your support on how to troubleshoot on high MTC call attempt on 4G,during a drive test as I can see paging received,nothing happened after this message(no rrc connection request,…),radio condition ok ,except of 3 failures dur to SNR =-6
what can be the cause?the mobility can impact the MTC call attempt failure due to delay paging?
Are you certain the Paging was intended for your UE ? I find it strange that the UE does not proceed with a RRC Connection.
Did the UE properly attach to the network ? Performed Tracking Area Updates ? What about MOC ?
Thanks for your reply
I agree with you and I checked M-TMSI in a previous messages before paging like RRC connection req(MOC) or tracking area update and the M-TMSI in a a paging didn’t match any one nor in RRC request or tracking area update .The cause is B-party is unreachable,it’s look like the device is down,or not connected but I don’t know how to confirm ,prove that
Well, I would just attempt a MOC and see how it goes. If MOC is made, then it means the UE is attached and capable of doing voice calls (through VOLTE I assume ?).
Try to do the MTC after that.
If MOC is not possible, then you know for sure there’s an issue. I would investigate the ATTACH procedure (which you can trace by doing an “airplane” mode ON/OFF during the tracing)
Also, try to do packet transfers. If those are possible but not the VOLTE, then it’s something else altogether.