Zia again, I did manage some data USFLIMIT=2(current settings) and TFILIMIt=4 now, Any sugesstions on new values, as defs in Alex are not getting me to anypoint.
such documents are internal documents, that can’t be communicated to anyone outside the company. you might find some interesting general documents on the net, or in books (look in amazon, search GPRS)
best advice : contact your vendor and ask trainings or experts to come and help you.
Hi all,
i would like to know the result of assigning a higher MAX_PDCH (for example from 4 to 6) on QOS , Abis, GPU load, Gb load…. furthermore the parameters that must be tuned fot this purpose, i’m working on Alcatel BSS.
what are the impacts ? The answer is in your question itself 🙂
you allow higher throughput to users, so there will be more traffic on the interfaces and in the MFS.
monitor abis congestion and ater congestion, monitor Gb congestion, and monitor GPRS indicators that show whether or not 6 PDCH are allocated in the cell during the busy hour (max busy PDCH, at busy hour) probably your TCH’s are preempting all the PDCH. Check your T1 reallocation and the PDCH decrease.
I have a problem with my GPRS/EDGE Network.Huawei Network.
Firstly DATA VOLUME MB is LOW,THROUGHPUT very low,TBF ESR low,TBF BR high,TBF DR high,TARGET DATA DEST low, these KPI’s are our measures,where to start in optimising the network.
check the avg nb of TBF per PDCH. too high ?
check the average throughput per TBF. too low ?
check the average number of PDCH busy during the busy hour. is it equal to the MAX PDCH ?
check UL or DL TBF estab failure due to radio congestion. too high ?
if answer is yes in one of the question, you can try to increase the max pdch
beware that it’ll work only if the nb of busy TCH at the GPRS BH gives enough room for more PDCH.