Hi tahar,
Normally activating EDGE and MSC9 will need more ressources on Abis (Extra Abis TS)., consequently there is an impact on Alcatel BSC capacity (as extra TRX on BIUA and it depends on the Alcatel BSC generation).
So what type of BSC do u use in ur network?
Hi tahar,
For the A9130 BSC (BSC MX) there is no ressource consumption by activating EDGE MSC9 (only Abis ressources), but in A9120 each EDGE TRX will occupy a ressource on the TCUC (like a FR TRX).
For more details refer to the customer DOC provided by Alcatel.
I am looking for basic physical interface information on the Abis and A links of this Alcatel BSC A9130 model. That is, is the interface optical STM1/OC3 on the Abis and A?
Both BSC9120and9130 need more resource for Abis extra TS for EDGE more extra TS BSC capacity will decrease. It depend on capacity plan(MCS9(~59.2kbps) need 1 abis TS(64Kpbs) for data tranfer)
For MX_BSC (9130) can support STM1 interface (will introduce soon)
Thank you for your response. You noted that STM1 is supported for both Abis and A interfaces *soon*?, then what kind of hardware interfaces are currently supported?