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  • #34167
    Alex Phoon

    Hi all,

    If I have an eqiupment, which can support up to 40000 BHCA. How many E1 does this equipment can support based on the below information:_
    1) the GoS was decided at 1% blocking.
    2) Average call holding time = 90 second

    José Quintero

    Hi Alex,

    The answer is: 34,2 Aprox to 35 E1


    Hi Jose,

    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    Btw, I would like to know this more .
    Erlang = BHCA x Call holding Time /3600
    = 1000
    Based on GoS 1%, how do we get 34.2 E1 supported by 1000 erlang traffic. I understand that it’s contain with complex formula calcution, but if would be helpful if you could let me know how we would get it.
    By using Erlang Calculator or Using Erlang look-up table ??

    Thanks in advance

    Jose Quintero

    Hi, Alex,To use the table is a very useful way, but normally the table does not have the all values. In that case you have three Options. to use the Online CAlculator, use the table or A Excel Macro to do that



    I have as input MOUs ( minutes of use per month ) , considering a GOS of 1 percent, how many E1s are necessary ?

    Please explain details how did yu calculate it?

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