If something appears suddenly in alcatel equipment, and if there was no modification of frequencies (so it is not relate to interference), then it is linked to a little hardware bug.
Have you tried :
if still not okay then, RA LOCK/UNLOCK
if still not okay, then BTS LOCK/UNLOCK
But first of all, be sure nobody changed anything in the frequencies or some radio parameters.
Hi, if the type of tre (trx) is TRAGe or TRADe and BaseBandHopping is used, the reason of SDCCH drop ( more than 15%) would be the incorrect work of one of these trx in BBH. You could be disable BBH and after check KPI’s.
hi every body
we have SDCCH congestion how we can solve this problem?
we have adabtive configuration.for many cells is on,in slevel=1.but aslo we have SDCCH congestion.our support is Ericsson.
1. increase number of sdcch static timeslots
does the congestion disappear ?
2. is the sdcch traffic very high (much higher than normal) ?
3. what is the cause of sdcch traffic (OC, TC, LU, SMS, Emerg call ?)
4. check the SDCCH traffic on each timeslot, or on each TRX. Do you notice some TRX with poor SDCCH usage (very short or very long SDCCH duration, low or high number of sdcch allocations, …)
thanks Mr.PIX for ur information……
the SDCH traffic is higher than normal,because normal is(2%)but we have for some cells are higher than this.for examle one cell:
1-TCHCong: %41.41
2-SDCCH Cong :%53.63
3-No.of SDCCH:26
we have also adaptive configuration.for this cell on and in slevel=1.