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handvover delay_ zte bss

  • This topic has 17 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years ago by amkam.
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  • #49358

    can u pls read into the lines ??


    deep k,

    samples count for PC : you can put it to “2”
    samples count for HO : should be > or = 4

    now let me translate your thresholds settings in a more “readable” way :

    in UL :
    HO LEV = -110 + 22 = -88dBm
    PC LEV = -86dBm to -76dBm
    HO QUAL = 3
    PC QUAL : 1 to 3

    in DL :
    HO LEV = -110 + 25 = -85dBm
    PC LEV = -82dBm to -72dBm
    HO QUAL = 3
    PC QUAL : 1 to 3

    You are triggering your HO way too fast !!
    These are my recommendations :
    Samples count for PC = 2

    HO QUAL (UL or DL) = 4
    UL/DL PC QUAL = 1 to 3 (good, don’t change it)

    DL HO LEV = -90dBm (20)
    UL HO LEV = -96dBm (14)

    DL PC LEV = -80 to -70 (20 to 30)
    UL PC LEV = -86 to -76 (24 to 34)

    Keep at least 10dB between your lower PC thresholds and your HO thresholds. And speed up the PC averagings.
    Check also your “step size” (incremental and decremental steps of power control. they should allow about 12dB increments in extreme situations).



    PBGT HO : it’s a HO algorithm based in the path loss , so it starts to search in real time for cell that meet the requirments of minimum path loss .
    PBGT HO its only triggered in the TCH channel and used to avoid ping pong HO in a non- dominant server , decrease over cell coverage and also it decrease the co-channel interference

    PBGT HO only triggered when the path loss of adjacent cell – the path loss of serving cell > PBGT HO thrsh .

    PBGT HO thrsh it’s a vender dependent but in my case
    it’s take a value 4dB for urban areas
    and a value of 8 dB for suburban

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