to configure RBS2116, you need to create an IDB then connect to the RBS and set it to local mode then install IDB.. all the buttons can be found in the main window of your OMT. just hover your mouse over each button to tell you which is which.
with the sitemaster, you need to know your band (900/1800) GSM900~ 850~960 and GSM1800 1770~1880 (forgot it but try) then set up the freq range to your Sitemaster for VSWR limit always depend on the rquirement (calibrate all the time!), but usually the amplitude is 1.5 then the VSWR limit is 1.4.
hi finn
when i measure with a wrong atten. and delay. is it affects my vswr value ? or affects total atten. and delay?
because ive tried same cable with a different attenuation 2 times and i get same vswr.
Hello,I have problem with sctor A of RBS 2116,the DRU have been blocked because they don’t carry traffic.upon trouble shooting to identfy the problem the following was observed…
I swapped the y-link cable from the DXU without touching any thing of DRU the problem shifted to DRU of sector B and what to conclude here because after doing this DRU of sector A operation LED light although has been blocked.