Among different carriers in UK (BT, C&W, etc) there is a figure of optimum E1 Port Utilisation (on Voice Switches) in terms of minutes. This is 250,000 minutes/E1/Month for voice traffic while 400,000 minutes/E1/Month for ISP Traffic. This is derived using the Erlang B model assuming a MCHT (Mean Call Holding Time)(=average call duration)for a voice call to be roughly around 3 minutes while for an internet call to be 20.
Can anyone give me a better hint (possibly a URL) of the whole mathematical calculations (process) which lead to this 250,000 and 400,000 minutes per E1 per month as an optimum utilisation figure.
I also need an answer to the question of Stavros.
Our company is Pacifictel S.A., from Guayaquil, Ecuador.
We are still working with TDM and planning to migrate to IP Technology.
So in order to dimension our network capacity we need to have the support to do the calculations.
Best regards,