1- What is the size of the below two fields in Originating call and MO-SMS CDR.
First field—-Called Party MNP Information in voice call scenario
Second field—calledSubscriberIMSI in MO-SMS CDR
2- For MT-SMS, Terminating Call and Call Farward call scenarios which field in the CDR contain the information about the network originating of the call?
Like any Time-Space-Time (TST)Switch charging data is generated and is captured via Toll Tickets, CDRs, etc..
TST Switches are configured with business requirements strongly in mind. For flexibility a raft of CDRs can be generated for Voice, Data, SMS, IN, Roaming, etc.. traffic.
As TST SPC Switches have matured with GSM (GPRS), 3G, 4G (Data) a raft of Traffic Use Cases are supported. For details look at 3GPP.