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Nokia MSC CDR CFxxxx.DAT ???

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Boukar.
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  • #46479


    I would like to know how to view CDRs, CF0000.DAT. I know they are stored in the STU of the MSC, but when I FTP into it, it’s empty. Is this the right procedure?, I made sure that parameters are set to generate CDR files. Is there another way to view this data?

    Also, when I look at other files with extension .DAT (ex. ME000.DAT) in a text editor the format is wrong. Is there a decoder or a certain text editor I should use ? and if so can you provide me with the link or the file?

    Thank you,



    Try the CHU for CDRS, and ftp from the command line. DX confuses a lot of FTP clients, so looks empty but the files are really there.


    Ok, thanks monkey for the reply.

    I was able to setup an IP Interface for the CHU and ftp into the unit and got the files.

    But its all garbage. Is there any decoder or text editor I can use to open the file (CFxxxx.DAT)?

    Thanks in advance.



    You cannot FTP a file off the switch, and view it, (I think it is binary format).

    You need to be using GUO command with WDCHSP logical file.

    BUT, If you are not confident about what you are doing, be very careful. THIS IS BILLING YOU ARE PLAYING WITH.



    Thanks for the reply, thought no one knew the solution. Theres no GU command set, so how else can I view these CDR files, there have to be a decoder out there.



    You could perform a GTD,

    you are now looking directly at the CDR info still in memory,(hence there isn’t much info), and you are also looking at Hex data.

    You could look for the common strings like 2007, and armed with you GTF settings, you could work out a little CDR info from there.



    Thanks for your help. Unfortunately we are using different software versions, since the commands you mentioned are not present in my version. However, I was able to use other charging commands to view the data. Do you know of any trial versions of billing systems (center) on the web that I can use to process the data.

    Thanks in advance,


    Gustavo Nhassengo

    Hi everyone,
    I’d like to know what could the issue that could make a NOKIA MSS CHU not transferring files for billing team.


    we could assume that billing team is facing difficulties in collecting CDR files from NOKIA MSS CHU.

    Thank in advance.

    Wallis Dudhnath

    First of all check that the MSS is generating CDR / DRs. I am sure that you have a Mediation Layer that is extracting CDRs/DRs and doing a certain level of Transformation for the northbound IT systems (e.g. Billing, Fraud, BI, etc..). Check that the Mediation is not “dropping” CDRs/DRs. Check it the IP Network is stable and that CDRs have not been buffered on the MSS or the Mediation device.

    Check if the MSS is configured to push CDRs / DRs to the Mediation device.

    VBR/ Wallis Dudhnath


    I’m looking for document related to ASN.1 Specifications for Nokia Open MSS (Ma16.1)
    Please can someone help me if he has it?
    Thank you in advance

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