We are pleased to announce the lauch of new Windows Voice over IP calculator
The new product, VoIP Select, allows you to perform technical calculations, including those involving Voice over IP. The software lets you to build calculators to meet your own needs, and includes pre-defined calculators for common applications.
Click here for more information on VoIP Select.
VoIP Select allows you to explore the answers to questions like:
- I have 1500 Erlangs of busy hour traffic. How many lines does this need at 1% and 2% blocking, and what bandwidth is required through an IP-based network, if I use G.729A, compared with G.723.1?
- I have 100000 minutes of traffic a day. How many lines should I provide for blocking targets of 1%, 3% and 5%?
VoIP Select offers advanced support for Voice over IP including cRTP header compression, RTCP and a variety of data link protocols including Ethernet, PPP, Frame Relay and ATM.
Click here to read the illustrated User Guide online.
We believe that VoIP Select will revolutionise Voice over IP network design, and look forward to welcoming you as a customer. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.