hi Md. Fazlul Haque – 29 Jun 2009
how we will control the trx power at BTS312 ?
you can also use the parameter Fine Tuning of Static TRX its use to tune the power of the trx by small value
One of the problem occurs in the NOKIA 1110 that in manual search we are not able to find the coverage area but when we go for automatic search then coverage in that mobile come automatically. so can anybody tell me what are the reason behind this?
I ve used the DMLC card with DB44 ports to create external alarm on Huawei 3012AE, I set the value of clock parameter1 to 255 on Data auto configuration (Modify site data,M2000)when I test the cable (loop) I ve 8 alarms but my problem is how to raname these alarms from Boolean X alarm to for ex: AC main Failure, DC low…