Home » Topics » Telecom Design » How to calculate cell traffic?
HuNi Guest
Hi Everybody
Can somebody help me with this.
If a cell looking in a direction, lives a population of 1000 people.
so how can i calculate the number of TRX that I am going to use in this cell.
atif Guest
well for trx u must know below things
1) GOS
2) number of channels
3) Erlang
Pix Guest
1000 people.
70% market penetration = 700 subscribers
25 mErl per person (at busy hour)
700 * 25 = 17.5 Erlangs for this “1000 ppl” area.
17.5 erlang can be handled by 4 TRX. (4 TRX can handle up to 21 erlangs)
That’s just approximation : you have to know your penetration rate and the BH subscriber average traffic.
HuNi Guest
Thanx Pix
How did you get
25 mErl per person (at busy hour)
Thanx huni
Pix Guest
25mErl / person is an average for countries with a high mobile penetration and a high mobile usage.
Average should be between 18mErl and 25mErl.
Which country are you in ?
HuNi Guest
Thanx Pix
I am in Maldives.
Can you please tell how I can get Erlang table.
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