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TCH Drop due to sudden lost of connectio

  • This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years ago by sam.
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  • #45209
    Gerard Masiala

    Hi all,

    According to Ericsson,Sudden loss of connection is valid if none of the urgency state(that is excessive TA, low signal strength or bad quality) are indicated and the locating procedure indicates missing measurement results from the MS.

    I want to know in wich particular case this situation will happens and what will be the solution for each of them.


    Abhishek Sharma

    Hi Gerard,
    IF i’m getting you, you want to know the situation when the three cases mentioned by you occure and what can be the possible solutions for that. As per my knowledge:
    1)Excessive TA : It happens when the distance between the MS and Serving BTS is more or you are at the cell boundary. To reduce the tch drop due excessive TA, best method is to use the downtilting of thr GSM antena (Both E & M). You can also limit the TA (I’m sure in NOKIA System) with the certain parameters settings.
    2)Low Signal Strength : The possible reasons for low signal strength may be VSWR, any obstruction in front of GSM antena, Low BTS power, etc.
    In general i have seen that if your parameter setting is OK this problem happens mainly due to Hardware issues (e.g. VSWR High, Antena Connection Lost etc.)
    3)Bad Qality : It may occure due to both high interference or your Hardware.
    Hope this will help you.

    Abhishek Sharma

    Gerard Masiala

    Hi Abhishek,

    Thx a lot for your reply.
    To be more explicit,the drop call due to “sudden loss of connection” according to Ericsson is not due neither to Excessive TA,nor low SS or bad quality.

    In wich situation will we get a drop due to “sudden loss of connection”



    hi gerard,

    other possible causes
    – Abis link is intermitent
    – Someone resetted softwares in the BTS, from OMC, so all calls are dropped(= maintenance actions)
    – There is some hardware issues with the combiner, TRX or clock/controller, leading to degraded calls handling.
    – Mobile phone failure (but that won’t appear in statistics, because all mobile phones don’t just crash at the same time… but it can happen during the drive tests, your test mobile phone can crash / connection issues)


    Iwan Suwandi

    Hi Friends

    I have problem with my site
    1. I have a problem of TCH DROP Bad Quality looks acceptable from stats . SDCCH CSSR is within our KPI’s and theres is no congestion on TCH and SDCCH. I have drive test this site and during the drive test no interference found. Can some one help me

    akhtar khan

    hi all,

    plz tell me wht will be effct on call if interference find on BCCH while call is going on TCH OR
    vise verse

    if call drop happn ,why
    if not ,why not


    erlang dip after adding the TRX .let we know what are the possible case .what we will the confiugation


    TCH DROP can be rectify on what parameters or procedure to troubleshoot TCH DROP can any one brief me about it?


    hi all,
    call are getting drop due to error indication i found in tch drop over view report that tch connection failure are maximum call drop reason. can any 1 please suggest me what are the reason for call drop due to error indication and why tch connection are getting failed.

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